Hi people, I’m getting a CSM army prepared for an upcoming local tournament and I’m quite short on time, so haven’t been able to post anything about our new Codex. However I thought this was worth sharing:


Recently a friend and me had the idea to create a Warhammer mobile app. He knew a bit about programming and I knew something about design and Warhammer, so we thought that it could work quite well. And even though we’ve found some problems in the way and had to discard a couple of initial concepts, I can now officially present you the Wargaming Familiar!

The app is intended to help you in your 40k games, providing a CP counter, a place to anotate victory points and how you gained them, a space for psychic powers and warlord traits, etc… Though it is still in early development stages and we still plan to add a lot to it, I think the app is useful and more convenient than having to write everything on a paper through your games.

Though most of the work was made by my friend, Adolfo, who made the “technical support” of the app, I came up with the idea, made a couple of icons, and tried to help with the design (he wanted to do it with red text and a greenish-grey background, so help was needed :P) so I’m quite happy that it has finally came through, and can’t wait to start adding content to it.

“Powerful chaos lords are usually gifted a combat familiar by the dark gods to mark them as their favourite champions, while the most malevolent sorcerers are given spell familiars, but what is the gift of the gods for the wargamers? What kind of baleful companion does the most dedicated kind of servant get?”

It is free and available to every Android user, you can download it right now in here. If you prefer it in Spanish you can also download it that way here. You’ll notice that in Google Play it is called “The Familiar of Wargamers”, it is just because for some reason it wouldn’t allow us to put “Wargaming” on the name. I hope you like it and find it useful, we will appreciate any feedback you can give for future updates.



Posted in 40k

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